医師向け臨床支援アプリ「HOKUTO」 医師および研修医向けに特別価格でUpToDate®︎を提供開始



株式会社HOKUTO(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役会長:五十嵐 北斗、代表取締役社長:山下  颯太)は、HOKUTO会員は会員特典として、医師が執筆したエビデンスに基づく情報を提供する臨床意思決定支援ツールであるUpToDate®を特別価格で利用できるようになったことをお知らせいたします。
HOKUTO会員である医師は通常価格から15%割引、研修医は20%割引の特別価格でUpToDate®を購読することが可能になります。この特別割引は、1年間またはそれ以上の個人購読プランに限り適用されます。加えて、全ての臨床トピックをモバイル端末にダウンロードし、オフラインでアクセス可能にする「UpToDate MobileComplete™」の機能も利用可能になります。
個人購読プランではUpToDate® Lexidrug™(旧Lexicomp®)の薬剤投与情報およびモノグラフにもアクセスできるようになります。さらに、新規購読の場合、UpToDate®︎ Lab InterpretationとUpToDate®︎ Pathwaysにもアクセス可能となります。UpToDate®︎ Lab Interpretationでは異常な検査結果に対する解釈や推奨する対処法を、UpToDate®︎ Pathwaysでは患者ごとの症状に応じた検査、診断、治療に関する推奨事項を提供します。
※割引は、 1年間またはそれ以上の個人購読プランのみ適用となります。
※ UpToDate®︎のモバイルアプリまたはUpToDate MobileComplete™へのアクセスには個人購読プランの契約が必要です。また、 MobileCompleteの初期ダウンロードおよびコンテンツの更新にはWi-Fi接続が必要です。
※ UpToDate Pathways と UpToDate Lab Interpretation は新規にご購入したすべてのUpToDateオンライン個人購読プランに含まれます。

HOKUTO's Clinical Support App for Physicians "HOKUTO" Now Offers UpToDate®︎ at Special Member Pricing for Physicians and Residents
HOKUTO Corporation (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Chairman: Hokuto Igarashi; President: Sota Yamashita) is pleased to announce a new member benefit  where HOKUTO members will receive special member pricing on UpToDate®, the evidence-based, physician-authored resource trusted for reliable clinical answers From Wolters Kluwer.
With this benefit, HOKUTO members can now access UpToDate®, a clinical decision support tool that provides evidence-based information authored by physicians, at a special membership price.
Physician members of HOKUTO will enjoy a 15% discount and residents a 20% discount on the regular price for subscribing to UpToDate®. This special discount is applicable only for individual subscriptions of one year or longer. Additionally, the feature UpToDate MobileComplete™, which allows downloading of all clinical topics onto a mobile device for offline access, is now available.
Individual subscription plans also include access to medication dosing information and monographs through UpToDate® Lexidrug™ (formerly Lexicomp®). New subscriptions will also have access to UpToDate® Lab Interpretation and UpToDate® Pathways. UpToDate® Lab Interpretation provides guidance on interpreting abnormal test results and recommended actions, while UpToDate® Pathways offers recommendations on tests, diagnoses, and treatments based on patient symptoms.
HOKUTO is committed to enabling physicians and residents to access the latest and most accurate information in the clinical setting, with the aim of improving the quality of patient care. This special pricing offer for UpToDate is part of that commitment.
HOKUTO, used by more than 100,000 physicians, aims to continue providing optimal support to doctors through its platform. For more information, please visit the HOKUTO page below. https://hokuto.app/campaign_up_to_date.
  • The discount applies only to individual subscription plans of one year or longer.
  • HOKUTO's discounted prices apply to one-year terms and are reflected when navigating to the UpToDate store while logged into the HOKUTO app.
  • Access to the UpToDate® mobile app or UpToDate MobileComplete™ requires an individual subscription plan. Wi-Fi connection is necessary for the initial download of MobileComplete and content updates.
  • UpToDate Pathways and UpToDate Lab Interpretation are included in all newly purchased individual UpToDate Online subscription plans.